Sunday, December 18, 2005

IMVU is the world's greatest 3D instant messenger?

IMVU is where you can create your fastasy avatar. How does this compete with MVM?

MVM makes avatars with a different appeal. They are anatomically correct, realistic simulations of humans. This does not mean that your Virtual Model must look like you. It can be whatever you want to be like. The key difference between IMVU and MVM is that with MVM whatever you choose to simulate, the end result is a human, with a body that can fit real garments and even help you with weight loss and fitness.

I like to compare this to ancient history when the greeks developed a vision of their gods in human form. In contrast, older cultures before the Greeks (excluding Persian culture) had a vision of their gods as scary in-human creatures with multiple arms, heads, horns, etc. IMVU appears to fit the early form of avatars with a high level of customisation that pleases early adopters today, albeit with a high degree of fanstasy. There is surely a place for these unrealistic avatars in the future. However, this does not compete at the same level as My Virtual Model in quality nor in usage. The applications of MVM are far more numerous and potentially useful than just a 3D avatar chat. Nonetheless, Virtual Identity is defined as the combination of mutiple forms of your visualisation. So go ahead and create your IMVU, as long as you link it to you Virtual Identity.


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